Page One Hundred Ninety.
Beautiful Shaker Heights, Ohio |
Right now, I'm dog-sitting 2 Portuguese Water Dogs. Xerxes and Valentine are tres cute and charming albeit loud, especially if they see deer, squirrels or bunny-wabbits in the yard. I'm in very luxurious digs in deep Shaker Heights, Ohio, about 2 miles from where I live in Cleveland Heights, the neighboring suburb. I've been the dog-sitter for this house-hold for 20 years I think. The original dog and cat, Captain and Smokey, are no longer with us but Xerxes and Valentine will do.
Their mommy and daddy are in the South Pacific right now sailing around and having a nice time. Meanwhile, I'm here walking these monsters at 7AM each day in the most uncomfortable winter in 2 decades. I don't mind too much though. When I get home next week and don't have to go for a walk while it's 5 degrees outside, I'll be so grateful. I typically watch these guys in the summer. But, occasionally a winter trip occurs. A few years ago, they went to Antarctica, so that dog-sitting gig was winter-based also. (Don't forget, America's wintertime is Antarctica's summertime.) It really is amazing what the human body can get used to though; even strolls in the park in sub-zero temps.
The window on the stair landing |
Some years ago, I was here while Captain was actively dying. Many months earlier, he'd been given 4 months to live. So mommy and daddy reserved me for 12 months later, assuming Captain would be no longer and my job would only involve watching Xerxes. Well Captain showed Mr. Death who was in charge. They couldn't re-schedule their trip and receive the deposit back just because they had a quickly dying dog to care for, so here I was. They set up my bed in the dining room because he couldn't make it up the stairs to the real bedroom any longer. And he was used to sleeping with his masters. (In fact, mommy slept on that bed while they were home, until Captain finally did give in to the inevitable.) I've had other jobs caring for dogs while they were on their deathbeds, too. It's really no fun, but someone's gotta do it. I mean, if you made plans 8 months earlier to be in Italy, assuming the dog would take the plunge as the Vet said he would, and he doesn't, well what are you going to do? Cancel? So here I was.
Xerxes will probably be next. But hopefully not for a while. (In this house-hold, anyhow. Another one of my regular jobs has already reserved me for mid-March and late April, even though their dog has been on death's doorstep since last November and as of yesterday has stopped eating.)
Meanwhile.... The Van Sweringen Company is a well known brand in Cleveland. Though the company went bust some 75-80 years ago, it was the primary planner and developer of Shaker Heights and some major downtown Cleveland property during World War I and the 1920's. This home where I'm staying was the family home of the Van Sweringen Company's chief engineer. It just epitomizes 1920's opulence. It's not truly large by Shaker standards, perhaps 5000 square feet, but it sure has oomph. Mommy and daddy have a few homes strewn about other states. When they're at one of the others, I'm the caretaker for this property. I stop in occasionally and make sure it's okay.
One of these days I really should have a big, blow-out party here. I'm sure they wouldn't mind...
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